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Login to remote site with PHP cURL - Stack Overflow

I'm new to using cURL and its hard to find good resources for it. What I'm trying to do is login to a remote site, by having curl do the login form and then send back that it was successful. The code I have doesn't seem to work and only tries to show the main page of the site.

PHP: Login to website with cURL. - This Interests Me

$curl = curl_init(); //Set the URL that we want to send our POST request to. In this //case, it's the action URL of the login form. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, LOGIN_ACTION_URL); //Tell cURL that we want to carry out a POST request. curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POST, true); //Set our post fields / date (from the array above).

Sending a username and password with PHP CURL

CURL and PHP combined can be really useful for getting data from websites, connecting to APIs (such as the Google Analytics API) and so on. Sometimes you may need to connect to a website that is password protected so this post looks at how to pass the username and password with PHP and CURL.

PHP: cURL - Manual

I needed to use cURL in a php script to download data using not only SSL for the server authentication but also for client authentication. On a default install of Fedora, setting up the proper cURL parameters, I would get an error: $ php curl.php. Peer certificate cannot be authenticated with known CA certificates.

PHP: cURL Functions - Manual

curl_exec — Perform a cURL session. curl_getinfo — Get information regarding a specific transfer. curl_init — Initialize a cURL session. curl_multi_add_handle — Add a normal cURL handle to a cURL multi handle. curl_multi_close — Close a set of cURL handles. curl_multi_errno — Return the last multi curl error number.

How to Use cURL in PHP | Envato Tuts+

One of the easiest ways is to use the file_get_contents function to read remote files. On the other hand, you can also use sockets to implement client-server communication. In this article, though, we’re going to discuss the cURL extension in detail, with real-world examples.

PHP - Debugging Curl - Stack Overflow

The PHP library (class) I am using is already made (not by me), so I am trying to understand it. As far as I can tell, it uses curl_setopt() to set different options like headers and such and then it uses curl_exec() to send the request. Ideas on how to see what post fields are being sent?

CURL to access a page that requires a login from a different page

Modify cURL command to be able to save session cookie after login. Remove the entry -H 'Cookie: somestuff' Add after curl at beginning -c login_cookie.txt; Try running this updated curl command and you should get a new file 'login_cookie.txt' in the same folder; Call a new web page using this new cookie that requires you to be logged in

php - How to login in with Curl and SSL and cookies - Stack Overflow

First, you should urlencode the URL parameters such as email and password in the post string (cURL will not do this for you). Second, I think the x value used as part of the login URL may be required. Here is a solution that logs in successfully. Note, I re-used the original cURL handle. This is not necessary, but if you specify keep-alive, it ...

using php curl to get login token - Stack Overflow

1. Using a fairly basic and re-usable function below to make the curl requests you would initially perform a GET request to begin the session. The initial GET request is used to discover and store the cookies used and to parse the HTML to find the logintoken from the form. You use DOMDocument/DOMXpath to process the HTML and find the token.

How to login into a web with curl? - Unix Linux Stack Exchange

Stack Exchange network consists of 183 QA communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.

Using PHP Curl to login to my websites form - Stack Overflow

Im trying to login to my useraccount on a site i use to download files from so i can automatically grab the file without me having to visit the site. This is the form: lt;form method='post' act...

PHP script using curl to login to a website using POST, store the ...

PHP script using curl to login to a website using POST, store the cookie and request pages subsequently. The script also provides placeholders to parse data from a page and create a node in Drupal.